Pizza Day: market moves R$ 22 billion per year in Brazil


This Wednesday (10), Brazil celebrates Pizza Day.
As with football, the recipe was not invented by us, but it is a national passion.
Every day, 1 million pizzas are made in the country, in a market that moves R$ 22 billion per year.

If Brazilians in general are passionate about the dish officially created in Italy in the 16th century, the São Paulo native was the one who adopted the round one on his menu once and for all.
Practically half of all pizza produced in Brazil is made in the state.
To give you an idea, the capital of São Paulo is second only to New York when it comes to “the city that consumes the most pizza in the world”.

Such passion turns into profitability for those who decide to invest in this market that, in Brazil, grows on average 8% per year.
The challenge for this entrepreneur is to stand out in the midst of a competition of 36 thousand pizzerias, which are spread across the country.

The pizza market

The good news is that, according to Sebrae, this is a market led by small entrepreneurs – almost 99% are opting for Supersimples.
More than 80% of these companies work only with the Delivery system, which has a low down payment investment.

The formula to differentiate yourself in this market is to deliver, in addition to a quality product, good service and facilities for customers.
Therefore, being on online ordering platforms and investing in a good delivery service is essential.

It is also important to create strategies to build customer loyalty, with coupons and promotions.
Good communication, using creativity within social media, also helps a lot to leverage the business.
Finally, it is important to maintain a communication channel with the public, allowing people to give their opinion on the services and request new flavors.

The favorite pizzas of Brazilians

According to the Association of United Pizzerias of the State of São Paulo, Mozzarella pizza is the favorite among São Paulo.
Next, the most requested are Calabresa, Portuguesa, Chicken with Catupiry and, closing the list, Marguerita.

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