SoluCX brings together retail leaders to promote discussion on the paths of a Customer Centric culture


SoluCX brought together representatives of important national brands to discuss the implementation of NPS; managers from Magalu, Ri Happy and Petz told their experiences in a panel

In the midst of the Customer Era, it is essential that companies are connected to consumer motivations and the Customer Centric culture. Understanding this audience and working efficiently and charmingly to retain them is a challenge that has mobilized everything from retail to health. And to exchange experiences in the area, SoluCX held on Wednesday (12) the event “I implemented the NPS, now what?”, in São Paulo.

The startup, which is from São José dos Campos, brought together more than 50 professionals in the InovaBra Habitat space to discuss the topic. Representatives of companies such as Bayer, Restoque, Telhanorte, Swift, Grupo Herval, CVC, Carrefour, Cobasi, Makro and Marisa, among others, were present. With a didactic approach, the CEO of SoluCX, Tiago Serrano, offered a lecture on what NPS is, what are the difficulties of implementing it and how to adapt the dynamics of the methodology to the different demands of companies.

“In the field of Customer Experience, first, we need to clearly stipulate who is the person for whom the company wants to offer the best type of experience. We also need to forget our perceptions and rely on data to guide the brand’s actions”, commented Tiago.

According to the CEO, cases of excellence must permeate the company. That is, they are disclosed to employees through internal communication channels – such as newsletters, panels, and newsletters.  

“We hear a lot about services that exceeded the expectations of customers, in which they are addressed by name, they receive some pleasure. This storytelling is so strong that it transcends the doors of the company and ends up reaching the general public.”


After the introductory lecture, the event featured a panel that brought together three professionals in the field: Amanda Carvalho, Customer Intelligence manager at Magalu; Karina Oliveira, CRM and Market Intelligence manager at Grupo Ri Happy; and João Paulo Imamura,  CRM coordinator at Petz.

Panelists Magalu, Rihappy and Petz
 Tiago Serrano (CEO of SoluCX) next door
the Panelists João Imamura (Petz), Karina Oliveira (Rihappy Group) and Amanda Carvalho (Magalu)

The panelists were provoked by the CEO of SoluCX to answer different questions about challenges faced before, during and after the implementation of NPS. The testimonies show that the implementation of the NPS program is the “tip of the iceberg” of building a Customer Centric culture.

“In our group, it is a new area, we started last year. Unlike Magalu, where people pay in installments, at Ri Happy they pay in cash. So, registration is the main challenge. It is necessary to identify the best channel to send the survey. It is necessary to present direct questions, easy to answer. This data is used to solve the problems at the root,” said Karina Oliveira, who has worked at Magazine Luiza.

Building the cadastral base

Among the challenges cited by the panelists, the importance of building an efficient registration base is one of the main ones to understand the customer’s perception. According to Amanda Carvalho, Magalu unified the store and website registration to facilitate this step.

“Another important thing is to understand the customer’s profile to know where it would be easier for them to answer the survey. Email, for example, works for the e-commerce customer. The store customer, who is less ‘digital’, likes phone surveys more. Depending on the channel, we merge this information to achieve greater engagement in surveys,” explained Amanda.

What to do with the data?

Another point discussed during the panel was the purpose for the company of collecting information about the customer journey. After all, as the CEO of SoluCX himself made a point of emphasizing, relying only on the diagnosis is like being a person in a feverish state with a thermometer in hand. It is necessary to go further.

For this, Petz’s CRM coordinator, João Paulo Imamura, stressed that the company is careful when closing the “loop” (cycle) of the customer experience. At Petz, his team separates compliments, suggestions, and the profile of the so-called detractors – people who, in addition to not consuming, also influence others to do the same.

“We have separated each area to be answered. And they give that back to our CRM system. We measure what was or was not answered and we contact the managers, who, in turn, send suggestions for an action plan. This is going beyond looking only at the indicator,” he says.

About SoluCX

SoluCX is a startup from São José dos Campos (SP) that offers solutions for consumer experience management. With SoluCX’s software and methodology, companies of all sizes have access to fundamental information to understand customer behavior and their relationship with the brand, which allows them to outline strategies to generate better financial results from loyalty and improvement of services and processes, adopting aspects of the customer-centric culture.

SoluCX’s tool integrates the traditional NPS (Net Promoter Score) with artificial intelligence to evaluate shopping experiences in the retail market. Currently, SoluCX evaluates more than 30 million purchases per month, made in about 5,000 stores of more than 20 customers, such as Magazine Luiza, Spa das Sobrancelhas, Sorridents, Swift, Drogaria São Paulo, Drogarias Pacheco and Petz, among others.

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