Retail trends in 2020: what are the main ones?

Do you know what the trends for retail are in 2020? What are the main ones? We've gathered all of this information for you here!


What are the main trends for retail in 2020? 

A sure bet is that the consumer remains in the spotlight and investment in technology is essential for companies to connect with their customers. 

Based on these premises, experts mapped out some paths that retail should follow next year. 

Retail trends:

For Hibou, a market research and monitoring company, there will be six main trends: 

  • 1 – More transparency in the tracking of the origin of products; 
  • 2 – Social commerce (with sales through means such as WhatsApp and Instagram);
  • 3 – Super apps to cover the consumer’s entire digital wallet;
  • 4 – Interactive packaging, used as a contact and communication channel;
  • 5 – Self-service; 
  • 6 – Digitally Native Vertical Brands, which are brands that are born in the digital environment and go directly to the consumer, without intermediaries.

PR Newswire, from the Cision group, which offers media intelligence services, mapped seven directions for retail. She quotes:

  • 1 – Social commerce; 
  • 2 – Use of augmented reality in sales; 
  • 3 – Product customization; 
  • 4 – Visual search, which allows you to find products just by taking photos, from artificial intelligence; 
  • 5 – Omnichannel experiences; 
  • 6 – Same-day deliveries; 
  • 7 – Ethical brands, which are based on values. 

Connection Human

The Global Marketing Trends 2020 report, by the consulting firm Deloitte, also brings predictions for the market, with the aim of “guiding business leaders in developing strategies for an ever-evolving digital age, keeping the human experience at the center of their work”.

The study highlighted as trends for brands: purpose, human experience, fusion, trust, participation, talent and agility

According to the survey, human connection – a common theme across all topics – is more important than anything in an increasingly digital world where people can feel isolated, underrepresented and dissatisfied.

Better logistics conditions, process automation, and security in digital operations are other points continuously remembered by industry studies. 

“A large part of the retail trends for 2020 is linked to understanding the buying journey. This is great news for consumers, who notice a growing concern from companies to understand their preferences. This retail effort generates a maturation in the relationship with customers, bringing gains to both sides”, says Tiago Serrano, CEO of SoluCX and retail specialist.

Consumer Ultradynamic

As a result, it remains for retailers to take advantage of the recovery seen at the end of 2019 and the positive projections for next year – the CNC (National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism) expects a 5.5% increase in sales – paying attention to the demands of the modern consumer.

In this sense, it is worth taking advantage of the insights from the “Ultradynamic Consumer” study, by WGSN, a trend forecasting company. Released in the first half of the year, the survey points to purchases made by mobile devices, human connections, climate concerns, trust in brands, population aging, and the sharing economy as macro trends linked to changes in public behavior.

About SoluCX

SoluCX is a startup from São José dos Campos (SP) that offers solutions for consumer experience management. With SoluCX’s software and methodology, companies of all sizes have access to fundamental information to understand customer behavior and their relationship with the brand, which allows them to outline strategies to generate better financial results from loyalty and improvement of services and processes.  

SoluCX believes that, through customer satisfaction, companies can create a closer and more lasting relationship with the community of each of their units. Currently, SoluCX evaluates around 500 thousand purchases per month, made in about 5,600 stores of more than 30 customers, such as Magazine Luiza, Spa das Sobrancelhas, Sorridents, Swift, Drogaria São Paulo, Drogarias Pacheco, Telhanorte, Petz and Cobasi, among others.

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