NPS Benchmark: What is a good NPS?

If you did your company's NPS and don't know very well if the result was good or bad, check out this market study we did!


How much did you get on the test?

Do you remember when you were in school and asked what your grade was on a certain test or activity? Or maybe you were the person who asked your colleagues this?  

Humans like to know how they are when compared to others. Similarly, this also occurs in several areas of the corporate world, and the customer experience is not left out. When we analyze a segment, it is possible to map the main players in the market, what their characteristics are, and how they differ from each other.

And how do you know if you passed the year and if your grade is above the class average?

The NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a well-known metric in the market, it is the main indicator of customer satisfaction and loyalty. We talked a little more about NPS in the article What is NPS. Having a good NPS doesn’t just mean that a company has satisfied customers, it also reflects their willingness to recommend it. In addition, many companies use this metric, which allows comparisons and benchmarking to be made.

Demystifying the zone of excellence: What is a good NPS?

It is common to come across tables and graphs indicating what the ideal score for an NPS is, but the truth is that there is no ideal range, everything will depend on the context in which your company finds itself.

Although the NPS ranges from -100 to +100, it does not mean that the best company has a score of +100 and the worst a score of -100, in some cases, the brand with the most satisfied customers is not even close to this number. Therefore, to analyze and compare a company’s NPS, it should not be based on data and information that does not consider the characteristics of a specific segment.

Suppose your company’s NPS score is +50, how do you think it would be relative to its classmates? Do you think it would be above or below the segment average?

The NPS Benchmark Powered by SoluCX is a solution that compares brands and companies according to the NPS perception of each of them, using the same criteria within the same methodology. Just as it is not possible to compare the performance of 1st grade students with those of the 4th grade in the math test, we cannot compare brands that are in very different contexts.

The following image was developed from the data collected by the tool and brings together the NPS averages of some segments of the Brazilian market, as well as the minimum and maximum NPS of the main players in each sector. To get the most detailed result of some segments and check the scores of all the brands surveyed, see our NPS Benchmark reports.

Bringing a practical example to facilitate understanding, in the NPS Benchmark report of the Telecommunications sector, we disclose that Vivo’s perception NPS is +10.4. Many people could say that this score is low, but when the brand is compared with others in the same segment, we see that it is above the average, which is -0.5.

In the banking segment report, we disclose the NPS perception of some companies in the sector, such as Nubank, Banco Inter, among others. Let’s take Itaú bank as an example, the company’s perception NPS is +37.6, and it is below the segment average, but if Itaú were in the Telecommunications segment, the NPS would be much above average.

Finally, it is possible for a company to have an NPS considered excellent, however, the zone of excellence must be established according to the main characteristics of the sector in which it is inserted, not being the same for all market segments.

What about you? How much did you get on the test?

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